Fieldtrip Report:

Tom’s Mica Dig
Morefield Mine,
Wayne’s Amethyst Dig,
Amelia County & Other Locations in Virginia
November 9 th, 10th, and 11th, 2007

photos by: Lee Fleming,
text: Lee Fleming

The next morning, we were scheduled to follow Wayne to his amethyst site, which was located about 45 minutes to the west of Amelia. We traveled to the site in a caravan and no got separated or lost.
The site was located on the edge of a huge cow pasture and as soon as Wayne showed us the site, we all began to dig along a vein, which had been previously worked.

As the digging proceeded, several people began to find some nice specimens.

The following pictures show materials that came from the amethyst site:

The trip to central Virginia was a wonderful chance for our MAGMA members to visit different mineral sites. Tom and Wayne did a great job to check out the sites to be visited and for confirming that minerals could be found. The campgrounds were great and the food was great. Special thanks should be given to Sam & Sharon Dunaway for allowing us to take the Morefield Mine tour. This was a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks to MAGMA for providing us with this visit so that we could go on the tour.



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