Graves Mountain, Georgia
January 20th -22nd, 2006
Photos by Lee Fleming and Rick Jacquot

As evening came, we trudged our way back up the mountain to our vehicles and showed each other what we had found.

The "Dirty Digger" award was a close decision. Graves is known to cover people in its red dirt, I think this next pic shows that I had the edge in the competition:

That night, we had dinner at the local pizza joint and then back to the hotel for an evening of rock talk.

New M.A.G.M.A. members Justin and Wayne.



Sunday morning we met at the Huddle House and ate breakfast, then back to the mountain for more digging. I didn't stay long, maybe a couple of hours, then I headed home. I found out later that John D. had hit on a hot spot for rutile and pulled out some nice specimens.

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American Rockhound