Fieldtrip Report:

Lake Douglas Tennessee,
February 26th, 2005,
Official Fieldtrip:

Mountain Area Gem and Mineral Association

Cindi Probst found the most crystals of the day, around 4-500 nice size pieces.

Cindi's crystals.


Chert nodule

Agate with interesting patterns.

Another unusual piece.

This location produced the best material of the day, our member Jim Ellis found a fossil snail shell in rock and what looked like a crinoid stem. Lots of agate, chert and many chipped pieces were collected. We spent around two hours at this location and then proceeded to yet another spot my friend had mentioned, this next location had agate, fossils and crystals.

At our next stop, Drew and Rich were the only ones to find any fossils, the rest of us found a lot of massive and crystal calcite, we took some home to see if it will fluorese. Rich found one quartz crystal as we entered the site and no agate was located. The fossils found were small but there was a variety in the rocks, crinoids, snail shells and more.

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