Fieldtrip Report:

Diamond Hill Machine Dig!
Antreville, S.C.
April 2008

Report by: Rick Jacquot

The above three pics are of another perfect crystal cluster. The piece has no damage, although it does have a heavy quartz frosting covering a couple of the crystal faces. I was planning to sell it, but have decided to keep it as I know it is one that I dug myself.

The above two pics are one that I almost sold at Graves. This piece has a large bubble as well as a lot of solid material in liquid that moves all over the inside of the crystal. It is an excellent specimen to show the inclusions.

This last piece is a large matrix specimen I picked. It is covered on both sides with small to large amethyst druse crystals and is topped off with three large double terminated perfect crystals, the largest being 4 3/4" in diameter. It has one spot where a crystal was knocked off and then self healed. It weighs 30 pounds. I will need to make a stand for it so it can be displayed from both sides.

This dig was almost unreal. Many collectors can go a lifetime and never see a pocket like this one. I am researching this as I believe that this may be the largest amethyst strike ever in South Carolina, and it is being well documented. It was a pleasure to work with the crew once again and be part of yet another historic dig at Diamond Hill. I consider them all to be professional miners and collectors as well as friends.


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