Fieldtrip Report:

Diamond Hill Mine
Antreville, S.C.
October 12th and 13th, 2007

I started off my weekend early with Sandy, we headed over to Diamond Hill Thursday night and setup camp. We spent the day Friday collecting with John D. and Diane. I had watched Read Miner a few weeks earlier busting boulders looking for cacoxenite. This is supposed to be the rare micro mineral from this mine. Read made finding it look pretty easy, so I thought I would give it a shot. Armed with 20, 12, 6, and 3 pound hammers, I began breaking rocks, as it turns out, it was easy!

Diamond Hill

The first thing I found was this "stick bug", he blends in quite well with his surroundings as you can see in the top pic.

Saturday morning some MAGMA members showed up to collect for the day, I spent the day finishing off a boulder full of cacoxenite from Friday, I ended up with four coke flats full of specimens, here are a few pics:

The above pictured specimen is about the size of a basketball, the last pic shows the pocket of crystals continuing into the rock, I'm afraid to break it down anymore as it may destroy the piece.

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