Fieldtrip Report:

Diamond Hill Mine
Antreville, S.C.
November 23-25, 2007

photos by: Ernie Wooten and Rick Jacquot

Below are some pics of a few of the specimens I really liked from the dig...

I named this piece "black snow", it reminds me of a mountain range with all the higher peaks covered with black snow.

Stack of double terminated skeletal crystals.

Even though our hole was dug safely and we worked down and then into the wall, we still filled in the hole for safety, as our MAGMA members always try to do wherever they dig.

The trip was great!, I think everybody found some treasures to take home. The amethyst pit is pretty much done and is mostly filled in now, but there is plenty of new digging to be done in the skeletal and smoky pits. Thanks to all the members who brought food for our Saturday night big meal, it was great. See you on the next trip.

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